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Established in 2021, we’re an organization driven by progressive ideas, bold actions, and a strong foundation of support. Contact us to learn more and get involved.



Schutzhund is a dog sport that tests a dog’s tracking, obedience and protection skills. Simultaneously, the dog’s temperament is being evaluated to determine if it has the appropriate traits and characteristics of a good working dog. The word Schutzhund in German means “protection dog” and is currently known in competition as IGP (Internationale Gebrauchshunde Prüfungsordnung (translation from German: International Utility Dog trial regulations), and previously IPO. The German Shepherd breed started in 1899 and shortly after Schutzhund was created as a suitability test for the breed. Schutzhund became the model for training and evaluation for the Boxer, Dobermann, Riesenschnauzer and Rottweiler. Collectively these five breeds make up the German protection breeds. Today any breed of dog can participate, but the sport is still dominated by German Shepherds.

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